The Beatitudes Part 2. 10/16/22

Weekly Memory Verse: "But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere." - James 3:17

Sermon Scripture Reading: James 3:13-17


The Beatitudes Part 2.

Dear River Family,

This Sunday we will keep walking through Matthew's account of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Read Matthew 5:7-12

As you read this passage, consider the following:

In His sermon on the mount, Jesus is turning the thoughts and teachings of the religious of the day upside down. In the beatitudes, Jesus is pointing to the heart of His people. His people will follow Him and have a heart like His because of Him. They will be merciful; they will be pure in heart; they will be peacemakers. And as they are in the world, walking in His ways, the world will respond to them as they responded to Him. The world will hate them and persecute them. Yet, as children of God, they are blessed.

Helpful passages: Mercy - Luke 18:23-35 Pure in Heart - 1 John 3:1-3 Peacemakers - Matthew 5:43-48 Persecution - John 15:18-24 (please take note of what the persecution was for. "For righteousness sake"!!! Read Matthew 5:11 - "on my account.")

Lord willing - I will see you Sunday! Grace and Peace,
