The Lord must be King of your heart. 11/7/21

Weekly Catechism Question: What does the law of God require?

Answer: That we love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, and love our neighbor as ourselves.

Matthew 22:37-39 - Jesus said to him, "You must love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.

Scripture Reading

1 Samuel 12:19-25 (Samuel Warned)


A few weeks ago, we saw the elders of Israel demand to be ruled by a king like the rest of the nations (for a refresher, you can read 1 Samuel 8). This Sunday, we will see God provide Israel with a king. Israel's receiving of an earthly king was far from a blessing; for many many years, the provision of earthly kings proved do be a disciplining action from the Lord. Reading 1 Samuel 10-12 will help prepare us for this Sunday's sermon.

Praying for Our Community

November 15th-19th - The River is signed up to pray at Baxter Regional Hospital. Time: 6:30am-7:15am

Place: North Parking Lot (First on your right when heading to hospital from hwy 5) Instructions: text me to sign up & I will send you instructions (Eric - 870-421-4341)


Pray the following churches in the White River Baptist Association that are without pastors:

Big Flat Baptist Church Bruno Baptist Church Mountain Home Baptist Church

Ask God to bring the River Family to maturity in Christ and to unite us in Christ.

Pray for our God to place on our hearts an unreached people group whom we may begin to pray for and also ask how God may use us to take the good news of Jesus to them.