Comparing feeding of the 5,000 with feeding the 4,000. 10/29/23

Weekly Memory Verse: "For God has consigned all to disobedience, that He may have mercy on all." - Romans 11:32

Sermon Scripture Reading: Romans 11:25-36


River Family,

Read Matthew 15:29-39.

This story should sound fairly familiar with just a few differences in the details. In chapter 14 we covered a very similar situation. Read Matthew 14:13-21. Make a list of the similarities of these two stories. How does Jesus show grace, mercy and love in both events?

Now, make a separate list of the differences. The most significant difference between these two stories is the locations of the events. Do some work in reading the parallels to these events in other gospel accounts to discover the locations of these two events(Luke 9 & Mark 7).

What is significant in the different locations of these similar events? What are we seeing Jesus doing in this time of His ministry? Consider Romans 11:11-36.

Looking forward to worshipping with you Sunday.

Grace and Peace, Eric

Until He comes, having the mind of Christ, walk together in grace and truth.