Weekly Catechism Question: What does God require in the 4th and 5th commandments?
Answer: Fourth, that on the Sabbath day we spend time in worship of God. Fifth, that we love and honor our father and mother.
Scripture: Every one of you shall revere his mother and father; and you shall keep my Sabbaths: I am the LORD your God.
Leviticus 19:3
Sermon Scripture Reading: Matthew 28:16-20
This Sunday a long time friend of The River Family, Justin Taylor, will be preaching. Justin will be preaching on Discipleship, from Matthew 28:16-20. As you read in preparation for this Sunday, consider the following:
What does is mean to make disciples?
Why do we baptize and what does it represent?
What are key things we are to teach those we are discipling?
Please pray for Justin and our time together this Sunday.
Sunday School Classes
The Encourager's Class is beginning a new study this Sunday - How People Change by Paul David Tripp.
Will Van der Hoeven Class will begin the books of Daniel & Ezekiel.
No River Life this week. We will resume the following week with River Kids and What does the Bible say about Evangelism?
Also, every Sunday morning at 8:20am, our prayer team gather to pray. We meet in the second classroom in the main lobby. Come join us as we seek the Lord and present our requests to Him.
Pray the following churches in the White River Baptist Association that are without pastors:
Big Flat Baptist Church Bruno Baptist Church Mountain Home Baptist Church
Ask God to bring the River Family to maturity in Christ and to unite us in Christ.
Pray for our God to place on our hearts an unreached people group whom we may begin to pray for and also ask how God may use us to take the good news of Jesus to them.
Life Group Options
Life Groups
Life Group meets on Monday evenings: contact: Russel Tucker 870-350-0809
Life Group meets on Wednesday evenings: contact: Nathan Jackson 970-301-1676