God's Purpose & Design for His Creation. 2/6/22

Weekly Memory Verse: "So God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them." - Genesis 1:27

Sermon Scripture Reading: Isaiah 43:1-7


A call to single-mindedness in the gospel of Jesus Christ (God's purpose & design for His creation)

God has called The River Family to be Single-minded in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. From 2 Corinthians 5:19, we have defined the gospel of Jesus Christ as God reconciling the world to Himself through Jesus Christ. The word reconciling meaning: restoring to favor, bringing back to right relationship, bringing together.

This Sunday, we will be looking at God's purpose and design for His creation. Read Genesis 1:26-30, 2:4-25.

Purpose of Creation - to bring God glory and praise. Design of Creation - How did God design His creation to bring Him praise and glory?

Our focus will be specifically on mankind (male and female). How were man and woman designed for the glory of God?

This Sunday, we will also be partaking in the Lord's Supper. Read the crucifixion of Jesus in one of the gospels. Spend time thanking God for Jesus' death and resurrection. Think about the implications of Christ's death & resurrection, our fellowship with Jesus, our fellowship with one another (the body of Christ).