Happy New Year

"But God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise; God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong...so that no human being might boast in the presence of God." - 1 Corinthians 1:27 & 29

-THIS SUNDAY'S TEXT- This Sunday we will be in 1 Corinthians 1:18-30. The Gospel. How beautiful and amazing but at the same time hard to swallow as people. It is offensive to us. The most stress that I experienced as a kid was tied to not measuring up. I wanted to be the first picked on a team and definitely not the last. I feared not making the team or being rejected in relationships. I desired to be good enough, smart enough, and "worthy". The problem with this is that in all of our pride we forget that we are all in the same boat. NONE OF US ARE WORTHY!!! NONE ARE GOOD!! ALL HAVE SINNED AND FALLEN SHORT!! So the bad news is that no one measures up...But God sent His Son to those who do not measure up and humbly boast in Christ. Jesus came humbly and not only put on flesh but came as a baby, born in a manger, visited by shepherds, in a small town, in a small nation, in a small speck of the universe that is called earth. In God's eyes, there are no places too small or people too low or group too despised for Him. Jesus came for those who forget about themselves and humbly trust in Him. This is either good news to you or bad news to you.


What is your response to Jesus Christ – the Son of God who created all things and owns all things and sustains all things? Will you boast in yourself or in the power and perfect work of Jesus?

Joy and peace come in knowing Jesus and being known by Him. Christmas will be merry if we focus on Jesus Christ.

-PRAYER & THANKSGIVING- Thank God for sending His Son Jesus to save people from their sins.

Thank God for the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit and His Word.

Pray for the church and missionaries all around the world as we praise the Father and proclaim the Son.

Pray for God to continue to open peoples' hearts to the good news of Jesus Christ.