This Sunday we will begin walking through the book of Hebrews, so let’s talk a little about the book. We are not for sure on who penned Hebrews, but we know that author is the Holy Spirit.
Hebrews is understood to have been written some time around 70 AD. In this time, life was extremely difficult...
Every year in January, your elders spend a weekend together on a retreat to reflect on the previous year, to discern how God has moved and revealed Himself, to give thanks for what He has done, and to prayerfully seek His will and direction for the The River in the coming year.
We prepare several w...
We are just coming out of the series “What Child is This?”. This week we will actually see that this Child is One whom you cannot ignore and be unaffected by. Jesus is compared to (and called) 4 different types of stones in 1 Peter 2:1-10. Two of these stones bring life and growth while the other...
In today's society, we have become prone to kick against all authority. Many children have lost respect for their parents; citizens have no respect for authorities; students fail to respect their teachers, and humanity has lost respect and awe in reference to the Almighty God. We have...
Deacons - Ministers of Mercy
Men of Dignity
Not many of us would entrust our family and finances to an unknown person. We would be guilty of neglect if we handed our family and finances over to an unknown and unproven person. There would be a great risk of our family being mistreated or abused...