The Beatitudes. 10/9/22

Weekly Memory Verse: "If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me." - Matthew 16:24

Sermon Scripture Reading: John 17:9-19


The Beatitudes.

Dear River Family,

This Sunday we will continue in Matthew's account of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Read Matthew 5:1-6

As you read this passage, consider the following:

When Jesus saw the crowds, it says, "he went up on the mountain." Who came to Jesus? Why did they come to Jesus? What did Jesus do?

In the next 3 chapters of Matthew (5,6, & 7), Jesus begins telling his disciples and the growing crowd about His kingdom and His people. In the Beatitudes, we see the "Blessed". This word means "fortunate". Who does Jesus describe as fortunate and why?

Lord willing - I will see you Sunday!

Grace and Peace,
