The Sin of Partiality

Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit the orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world. - James 1:27


Hey River family! Lord willing, this Sunday we will continue our journey through the letter of James and will focus our attention on James 2:1-13. In our passage this week, James is going to confront the sin of partiality. A sin that has plagued the world from the fall to present day and a sin that has, unfortunately, even plagued religion.

As you read James 2:1-13, spend some time considering the following questions:

Q: According to James, why is partiality, sinful? Q: How is the sin of partiality seen in the illustration provided in verse 2 & 3? Q: How is the sin of partiality contrary to "loving your neighbor as yourself"? Q: How does loving our neighbor as self combat the sin of partiality? Q: For those who do not heed such Divine warning, what will be the final judgement that they receive? Q: Are there ways that we, as individuals, are guilty of the sin of partiality? If so, how might we move forward in faithfulness to Christ?

I look forward to growing with you! In Grace, -Jp

-PRAYER & THANKSGIVING- Ask God to give the church patience, perseverance, long suffering and wisdom through these difficult times. And may we consider it pure joy when we face these trials.

Ask God to place people on your heart to love and encourage in Christ this week.

Ask God to give us wisdom as we seek Him regarding ministry to our youth and children.

Ask God to keep His church unified through these difficult days.

Continue to pray for Mike and Sandy Jaeger.

-Sunday School & Life Group Options-

We have started back up our Sunday School classes. Pray and contact one of the leaders below to ask questions and sign up for a SS Class. The following are opportunities to gather and grow in fellowship & faith in Christ:

After Service

Encouragers SS Class In Main Sanctuary contact: John Hilvert 870-405-7111

Will van der Hoeven' Class Lobby Class Room and Zoom A Study of Isaiah contact: Will van der Hoeven 512-636-3821

Wirt McKee's Class Zoom only Diving Deeper into Sermon contact: Wirt Mckee 870-404-5398

There will also be Sunday School for both children, and youth during the Sunday school hour. For children, contact: Luke Humphries 870-510-7573

For youth, contact: Eric Smeltzer 870-421-4341

Life Groups

There are two different Life Groups that meet on Monday evenings:

contact: Russel Tucker 870-350-0809 contact: Nathan Jackson 970-301-1676