For we walk by faith, not by sight...we make it our aim to please Him. - 2 Corinthians 5:7 & 9
-THIS SUNDAY'S TEXT- 2020 Is Just Around the Corner
Many different thoughts run through my mind in this time that one year comes to an end and another year begins. I think of all the blessings of the Lord – His faithfulness, all that He has brought me and others through. We are familiar with the saying, “Happy New Year!” It is a wish for all of us in the New Year. But why?
Maybe we say this as we reflect back on the previous year and all it's difficulties.
While 2020 will be a New Year, I have to face the reality that it will come with numerous, various, difficult trials. In 2020, the reality is that we and/or others close to us will face sickness, death, loss of job, family conflict, fears, failures and many other troubles that come in this fallen, cursed world. Jesus even said, In the world you will have tribulation. This promise of Jesus found in John 16:33 is sobering. While we will face many tribulations in the year 2020, the few mentioned above, as difficult as they may be, they may not be our greatest wrestles. I believe the greatest wrestle we face every new year, every new day is -
Will I walk by faith this year, this day through whatever difficulties I face?
Will I walk by faith in Christ through sickness? Will I walk by faith in Christ through loss of another? Will I walk by faith in Christ through family conflict? Will I walk by faith in Christ through failures? Will I walk by faith in Christ through persecution? Will I walk by faith in Christ through new, uncharted waters? Will I walk by faith in Christ through the normal? Will I walk by faith in Christ in my relationships?
Read Hebrews 11
In preparation for this coming Sunday, the following passages will be helpful as you carefully read and meditate on them:
Hebrews 11:1-38 (make a mental note of verse 1 and verse 6 and then look for examples of these throughout the rest of the chapter.)
2 Corinthians 5:1-11 · memorize verse 7 – for we walk by faith, not by sight. · memorize verse 9 – So whether we are at home or away, we make it our aim to please Him (God). Remember Hebrews 11:6 – And without faith it is impossible to please Him (God).
Romans 10:5-17 (put to memory verse 17 – So faith comes from hearing and hearing through the word of Christ.
What is your aim this New Year? Is it to simply have a Happy New Year or will your aim this year be to please God through walking by faith in the Lord Jesus?
-PRAYER & THANKSGIVING- May our prayer for ourselves and one another be – Lord, I believe; help my unbelief!
Pray for the following:
David and Tammy Small as they begin a new journey at Camp Living Stones. We will have a time of encouragement for the Small's at 6pm on January 5th.
New Elders and their wives: Rick & Kayla Schmidt, Mendel & Stephanie Hughes New Deacons and their wives: Darryl & Amy Lanning, Joel & Pam Bratton, and Matthew Hafer. The ordination service will be Sunday morning, January 12th.
The Elders - Elders Retreat is January 17th & 18th.