Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven? 1/7/24

Weekly Memory Verse: "Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven." - Matthew 18:4

Sermon Scripture Reading: Matthew 20:25-28


River Family,

Happy New Year!!! As we are sure to find Jesus faithful, it is my prayer that we will be faithful in following our Lord Jesus Christ throughout the year of 2024. Lord willing, we will return to the gospel account of Matthew this Sunday. To prepare for this Sunday, read Matthew 18:1-6. Note that as Jesus' disciples ask Him the question of who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven, He calls a child into their midst and tells them that they must be like this child.

What is it that would make a child the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?

What did Jesus mean that unless they turn and become like children, that they would never enter the kingdom of heaven?

Grace and Peace, Eric